With Coronavirus still making its way around the world and keeping us all safe in our homes and local areas, it’s hard to stay positive and to appreciate what we have. All our lives have changed dramatically. How are you coping? Well, I hope.
I was feeling a bit locked in, stuck indoors and bored with the area around my front door. But, having just taken on the 2.6 Challenge for OneKind, covering 26 miles in a week, I have managed to shift my perspective slightly. There is still a lot to be thankful for, here are some of my favourites.
Nature’s bright colours
From the bright blue sky to the vivid yellow dandelions, the world is full of colour, especially at this time of year.
The Busyness of birds
There’s a sense of comfort in nature, watching animals go about their daily lives as normal. Birds are busy chirping away in the trees and gathering twigs for their nests. Not everything is out of order. Somethings are thriving, and that is amazing.
Signs of new life
This is a fabulous time of year to be walking around, trees blossoming and flowers releasing their seeds into the big wide world with the hope of creating new life. The cycle continues!
My partner in crime
I couldn’t write a post like this without crediting this little one. She’s extremely reluctant running buddy, preferring instead to take her time to sniff the trees and lamp posts, and why not. I think she has the right idea; it’s amazing how much we miss rushing around. No outdoor adventure would be complete without her.

The smiles of strangers
Social distancing is tough, having to keep away from friends and family, but in some way, it is making people more friendly, spreading smiles to strangers as they walk around or tend to their front gardens.
That’s my list, what have you discovered while taking the time out to explore the world around you?