Which animal is the fastest on earth? How small is the smallest monkey? What is the world’s strongest animal?
Find out the answers to these questions and many more with our Animal Top 10s. Prepare to be amazed!
Most Endangered
For some species, time on planet Earth is running out. Human beings are the greatest threat to the survival of endangered species with poaching, habitat destruction and the effects of climate change causing a lot of the problems. Read on to learn about some of the beautiful creatures most in need of our help, protection and conservation.
Extinct Animals
Animal extinctions may be caused by natural occurrences such as climatic heating or cooling or changes in sea levels. In more modern times, however, human activity has been to blame. Habitat destruction as farming land expands and forests are cut-down is the main cause of modern extinctions, along with pollution, the introduction of alien species, and overfishing or hunting. Increasingly, however, climate change is thought to be driving extinctions.
Strongest Animals
Many animals possess strength that even the strongest humans could only dream about. Different animals have different kinds of strength. Some have pure brute strength and are capable of lifting, dragging, carrying or pulling enormous weights. Some are small but much stronger than we would be if we were the same size!
Longest Living Animals
Most animals have a life span far less than that of humans but there are a number of creatures who live that long, they make the oldest living human seem like a spring chicken in comparison. Have a look at 10 of the longest living animals and see who outlives them all!
Fastest Animals
Some animals are perfectly designed to be the ultimate speed machines. Some of these fly through the air, others swim through water and some run on land. Most of the fastest animals are birds, so our list includes a selection of the fastest of all these different types of animals.
Biggest Animals
Animals take many shapes and forms and come in a great diversity of sizes. Some may think the biggest animal is the heaviest, others the longest, or the tallest. Whichever way you measure size there’s no denying that some animals are absolutely huge.
Smallest Animals
Check out this selection of the smallest vertebrate animals on Earth. Some people think the smallest animals are the shortest in height, or length, or the lightest. Whichever way you measure them, these really are some amazing little animals.
Most Poisonous Animals
Many animals naturally produce venoms, toxins and poisons to defend themselves and incapacitate their prey. From snails to snakes, poisonous creatures come in all different shapes, sizes and colours.
Smelliest Animals
Here we have listed ten of the smelliest creatures known to man. But maybe we shouldn’t be too quick to screw our noses up – after all, how would we humans smell without access to soap and water?
Highest Jumping Animals
Whilst we may marvel at the long or high jumping abilities of our top Olympic athletes, their prowess is overshadowed by some of the animal kingdom’s really big jumpers.
Animals Endangered By Climate Change
Our planet is getting warmer and wildlife is already feeling the heat. Unless we put an end to our dependence on fossil fuels, global temperatures will continue to rise with severe consequences for humans and animals. Here’s a list of 10 species that may become extinct due to climate change.
Animals with Unusual Sleeping Habits
Everyone loves a good nap, but finding the time and place can be difficult for wild animals. Whether it is staying away from predators, keeping warm or remembering to breathe, there is lots to consider when it comes to sleep and animals have come up with many weird and wonderful solutions.
Animals with the Most Unusual Mating Tactics
For males in the animal kingdom, attracting a female isn’t always easy. Animals have developed many weird and wonderful mating rituals, but not all are romantic!
Hibernating Animals
When you’re a wild animal, surviving harsh winter weather and food shortages can be a challenge. Animals have adapted in many ways, one of which is hibernation. Though often thought to be a long sleep, hibernation is in fact very different, with animals lowering their metabolic rate, temperature, heart rate and breathing to reduce their need for food.
Sun Loving Animals
The sun is important for all life on Earth. But, while many animals choose to hide in the shade, others like to be out in the open basking in the warmth. As we are in the heat of summer, let’s appreciate some of the animal kingdoms biggest sun lovers.
Lazy Animals
In our busy world, it’s always nice to have a day on the sofa relaxing. But for many animals, every day is a lazy day, with some spending only a few hours awake!
Most colourful
These animals stand out not only for their diverse and radiant colours but also for the unique pattern combinations that make them some of the most colourful creatures in nature! Their bright colors often serve purposes like attracting mates, deterring predators, or camouflaging in their environments.
Most unique
The natural world is full of extraordinary creatures, each with unique adaptations that set them apart. Some animals possess incredible camouflage, while others have bizarre physical traits or behaviors that seem almost mythical. From deep-sea dwellers with otherworldly appearances to land mammals with unexpected features, these fascinating species remind us of nature’s endless creativity.