It’s no secret that kids are an environmental nightmare! The amount of stuff they require is huge, and much of it is disposable or only useful for a few months before they grow out of it or lose interest. It’s hard to be eco-friendly when raising kids, but there are a few things to do; here’s our top 10.
Use reusable nappies

Reusable nappies reduce your waste massively as a parent. Babies use around five to six nappies a day, all of which end up in the bin if using disposables, and they stick around for hundreds of years. Reusables, on the other hand, last for one, maybe even two, three or more kids. They save money and the environment!
There are many types of reusables too from the old fashioned ones you fold yourself to the all-in-one nappies shaped just like disposables. Shop around and find the ones that suit you. If reusables aren’t for you though, biodegradable nappies, such as those by Beaming Baby, are available.
Try reusable wipes

From nappy changes to dirty hands and faces, you get through hundreds of wet wipes as a parent and, like nappies, they end up sitting in rubbish heaps. Reusable wipes are simple to use, free of chemicals and you can just put them in the washing machine with your nappies.
Companies such as Cheeky Wipes make complete kits with mucky boxes and wet bags for when out and about, so you have everything you need.
Buy second hand

Whether its clothes, toys, or nursery furniture, it’s no secret that kids require a lot of stuff. Much of it is only useful for a couple of months as well and so like new when you no longer need it. Buying second hand and selling on reduces the amount of good quality equipment that ends up in landfill sites and saves you money too.
Wash the eco way

With kids comes washing, lots of lots of washing. It’s unavoidable, but you can reduce the environmental impact. Wash full loads only, keep the temperature low and dry naturally rather than in a tumble dryer. Using eco-friendly washing detergents free of chemicals also helps and selecting those that are refillable, such as Splosh or Ecover, reduce your plastic waste as well.

If you’re able, breastfeeding is the eco-friendliest way of feeding your baby. There’s no waste and no energy used in the production of formula or packaging; it’s healthy too.
Cook your own baby food

There is a wealth of convenience food out there. It’s a quick and easy way to feed your kids, but it can be cheaper to create your own. It doesn’t have to be time-consuming or complicated either; there are plenty of simple recipes out there.
Buy eco-friendly baby products

Thinking about what you use on your kid’s skin is important. Selecting natural products free of harsh chemicals is both better for them and the environment. They can help keep skin conditions at bay as well.
Start walking

With so many activities to do and places to be, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut of driving everywhere. Take the time to walk if you can or use public transport. It’s good for the environment, and the fresh air and exercise will do you and your kids good.
Get creative

Keeping your little one occupied with plastic toys can be tempting. Avoid caving into the constant requests for new things though and get creative instead. Take your little ones outside for a nature walk, explore your cities sites, or stay in and make arts and crafts out of all your recycled rubbish. Your options are endless!
Lead by example

Kids are the future! Do your bit for the environment and lead by example. Show your kids how to live an environmentally-friendly lifestyle and teach them the importance of looking after our planet.