Plans are underway for the world’s first industrial octopus farm to open in the port of Las Palmas in Gran Canaria.
Help end Turkey’s plan to kill strays!
Turkey is facing a critical moment. A proposed bill by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) aims to euthanise millions of stray dogs across the country.
Stop the US sending horses to slaughter
In the US, there is a ban on slaughtering horses for meat. But that doesn’t stop the cruelty. The US sends nearly 30,000 horses over its borders for slaughter in Mexico every year. Horses suffer in cramped cages and horrific conditions during the long journey to be killed in inhumane ways.
Bring an end to roadside zoos in Canada
Across Canada, thousands of wild animals are being held captive in horrible conditions that do not meet their needs. Help stop the cruelty by encouraging Canada to adopt the Jane Goodall Act (Bill S-241) and end elephant captivity.
Ban the import of Fois Gras
Imagine living in a tiny cage, unable to move, with a tube forced down your throat – all for your enlarged liver. Sounds terrible? That’s because it is! Animal Equality UK is calling on people to sign their petition demanding a ban on the importation of force-fed foie gras.
The Big Plastic Count
Despite our attempts to reduce, reuse and recycle, we seem no further forward with the worldwide problem of plastic. The big plastic count is the UK’s biggest investigation into plastic waste and will pressure governments and supermarkets into making real changes.
Stop the import of hunting trophies into the EU
Between 2014 and 2018, around 15,00 hunting trophies from 73 internationally protected species were imported into the EU. That’s close to 3,000 every year and it puts the EU second only to the US for imports in the world. All these animals are killed for fun, it’s time to act.
Stop the ongoing abuse of dogs in Mauritius
Stary dogs in Mauritius are caught in nets, left hot, hungry and thirsty in cages and then killed with a painful, often ineffective lethal injection, all in the name of management. It’s time for change – help the SOI Dog Foundation fight for an end to catch and kill.
End the Yulin dog meat festival
Every year, thousands of dogs suffer unimaginable cruelty at Yulin dog meat festival. They are taken off the streets and stolen from homes, crammed into cages without food or water and killed in horrific ways. It’s time to stop the torture.
Say no to cosmetics testing on animals
Throughout the world, thousands of animals are subjected to cruelty for the sake of beauty products. Rabbits, mice and rats, and many other animals, suffer in silence as companies expose them to harmful chemicals and products. They are then left to endure the pain while scientists watch for reactions.
Protect big cats in the US
We’ve all seen the photos; happy tourists posing with cute tiger cubs. They look fabulous, but the reality is far less joyful. Cubs are taken from their mums, treated cruelly and kept in horrible conditions. They are forced to interact with people and then abandoned to private zoos or killed when they grow too big.
Show animals you care, pledge to eat less meat!
Our animals are suffering, and our planet is in trouble. Switching to a vegan diet or simply eating less meat, dairy, and animal products will show animals you care and positively impact your health and the environment.
Shop compassionately this Christmas
Christmas is the time for giving but animals so often suffer for our gifts, being held captive where they are tested on and exposed to pain and suffering. But it doesn’t have to be this way, shop compassionately this year and help give animals a kinder future.
Demand an end to the global wildlife trade
Every day, thousands of animals are forced into the multi-billion pound global trade in wildlife where they are killed for food, harvested for traditional medicine, traded as ‘exotic’ pets or subjected to a life of suffering in entertainment. Join us as we fight for a ban on importing and exporting wild animals.
Support our planet; take part in Earth Hour
With climate change and the worldwide loss of biodiversity becoming ever more urgent, make time to stand up and show your support by participating in Earth Hour 2020.
It’s time to pick up litter
Litter is everywhere – blowing down our streets, lying in our countryside and floating in our oceans. Much of it is plastic, which can take 1000s of years to break down and is ingested by everything from plankton to people! It’s time clean up!