Do bananas really need to be wrapped in plastic? No! It's madness. Help Greenpeace tackle the plastic problem and sign their petition to persuade UK supermarkets to ditch their throwaway plastic packaging.

Take action now!
According to Greenpeace, UK supermarkets generate 800,000 tonnes of plastic waste every year. Much of it is pointless and thrown away instantly, or we use it just once. It then sits in ever-growing landfill sites or wreaks havoc in the environment, injuring and killing innocent wildlife.
The supermarket Iceland has recently announced that they’re making all their own-brand packaging plastic-free. This is great, but not enough. Help Greenpeace persuade other UK supermarkets to follow suit by signing their petition and by spreading the word to others around you. The more support it gets, the more likely we are to see change.
What else can I do?
There is a lot we can do to help reduce the plastic problem. When shopping, for example, you could:
- Buy loose fruit and vegetables rather than plastic-wrapped ones;
- Use a bag for life rather than plastic ones; and
- Avoid plastic-packaged convenience foods and cook from scratch using fresh, plastic-free ingredients.
See our AnimalKind list, Top 10 ways to reduce your plastic waste, for more inspiration.