A unique, small South American monkey that is easily recognizable due to its striking bald head and bright red face.
Amazing Facts About the Uakaris
- Uakaris bright red faces are attractive to mates because malarial or sick animals develop pale faces.
- Unlike most monkeys, uakaris have very short tails, but move nimbly in the trees without them by using their arms and legs.
- Uakaris are quite social animals and live in groups called troops which may include close to a hundred animals.
- They eat a fruit-heavy diet, but also consume leaves and some insects.
- They are cautious non-aggressive animals and are often difficult to find.
- Females give birth to just a single infant every two years.
- Uakaris reach sexual maturity at the ages of three (females) and six (males), so populations grow relatively slowly.
- They are hunted in their Amazon Rainforest home for food and are sometimes captured by indigenous peoples.
- They are also threatened by the destruction of their environment and are now classed as vulnerable to extinction.
Photo: www.animalstown.com