Native to South Asia and Africa, these birds use their dazzling plumage to attract mates and intimidate rivals. Male peacocks, called peafowls, are the ones with the striking blue and green feathers, while females, known as peahens, have more muted colours. With their elegant strut and loud calls, peacocks are a symbol of beauty, pride, and grace in many cultures worldwide. Read on to find out more amazing facts!

Amazing Facts About the Peacock
A peacock is a male peafowl, famous for its vibrant, iridescent feathers and large, fan-like tail used for display.
What is the difference between a peacock and a peahen?
A peacock is the male with bright, colourful feathers, while a peahen is the female, which has more muted brown or grey plumage.
Where do peacocks live?
Peacocks are native to South Asia and Africa, often found in forests, grasslands, and near water sources, but they have been introduced to other regions.
What do peacocks eat?
Peacocks are omnivores, eating a mix of seeds, insects, small reptiles, fruit, and plants.
Why do peacocks have such colourful feathers?
Male peacocks use their brilliant, iridescent plumage to attract mates, as peahens prefer males with the most impressive displays.
Can peacocks fly?
Yes, although they spend most of their time on the ground, peacocks can fly short distances to escape predators or reach high places.
Why do peacocks make loud calls?
Peacocks use their loud, high-pitched calls to communicate, attract mates, and warn others of danger.
How big do peacocks get?
Peacocks can grow up to 2.3 meters (7.5 feet) in length, with their long tail making up most of their size.
Do peacocks lose their feathers?
Yes, peacocks shed their long tail feathers every year after mating season, and they grow back before the next season.
What do peacocks symbolize in different cultures?
Peacocks are often symbols of beauty, pride, immortality, and good luck, especially in Indian, Persian, and Greek mythology.